Terminus comes with a web API, allowing to execute the prediction remotely in any program. Any programming and scripting language wich allows HTTP connections can be used.


To use the api you will need to make an http POST request to an address wich encodes your choice of predictor and the data format. The sequences data must be submitted in the request body.

There two ways of using this API:


You can send the sequences data in FASTA format and you will receive the result in CSV. The resulting CSV is the same that the one outputed in the website, when you press the Download as CSV yellow button.


You can send the sequences data in JSON format and you will receive the result in JSON. The exact format is described below.

Use the configuration tool below to generate the URL automatically. Several examples are provided below.

Configuration tool

1. Choose the method

2. Choose the predictor

Prediction method:

Taxonomic group:

Predictor description

3. Grab the url

URL: (copy/paste in your program)

Json Format


The input must be a list of objects, where each object corresponds to a protein. Object keys/values are:

For instance, a result for two proteins could be:

  { "id":"prot1", "seq":"MAKLKLAKALAKA" },
  { "id":"prot2", "seq":"MDEDEDEEDEDE" }


The output format is also a list of object, where each object corresponds to a protein. Object keys/values are:

For instance, a result for a single protein could be:


Examples of programs

Coming soon...

Bash script

Coming soon...

Terminus, version 0.5.0 / Copyright University of Geneva © 2012-2015.